Through their eyes

It was one of those days again, dull and dragging despite the bright sun outside – maybe it was the pain, or the meds or maybe cos I was feeling especially let down and could have used a friend – then Vidu and Vish walked through the door after their camp, hugged me close, enquired about my pain (I was home off from work) and were visibly concerned. Before I could ask them about their day and if they had fun at the camp, they told me that I am the most caring person in the family, that i am always doing things for them and that they both will help me in my chores so that I am no in pain all the time 🙂

And just like that, my day became brighter, my eyes instantly teared up despite the pain and the meds. Sometimes, all it takes to feel cherished  – is the innocent words of love from your children 🙂


If we all could see the world through eyes of a child, we would see the magic in everything ~ Chee Vai Tang

 Read: Through Their Eyes – 2


  1. lovely post lux. kids are so unpredictable. we often say “we never know what’s going to come out of their mouth”…maybe that’s not a bad thing all the time :).

  2. […] chocolate (YUMMMM) or curling up and sleeping LaNi also had gr8 parents, an understanding hubby, kids and good friends who knew about her pain and condition and did not push her or dare her to push […]

  3. […] with insensitive people but I am forever thankful for my lovely friends, my  family and my boys 🙂 I am also meditating regularly, all thanks to Kedar who introduced me to the Kriya Yoga Path […]

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